Report says Families of the estimated 40,000 autistic children in Ontario are under severe stress.
Autism Wellness Foundation's mission is to improve mental health services and policy for autistic people.
We are a team of Canadian Nurses who are putting the best research into practice and we provide organizations with assistance adapting existing treatment models for mental health services to meet the needs of autistic individuals. Current research shows; mental health illness is a secondary comorbidity for autistic people. Our nurses look at all this data and apply it because we love someone who is autistic.
Wilfrid Laurier University researchers are helping influence change across Ontario. According to their recent report families of the estimated 40,000 children living with autism in Ontario are under severe stress. Parents are sacrificing jobs, sleep, leisure, social connections and physical and mental health. They are struggling to cope with the pressures of caring and advocating for their children, as well as obtaining and facilitating the services they need.
The report, Autism Services in Ontario: Impacts on Family and Child Well-Being, based on a detailed survey of about 700 primary caregivers of one or more children living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be found on the university's website. The authors of the report are Associate Professor Janet McLaughlin, a mother of a child with autism, and Associate Professor Margaret Schneider, a former support worker to families of children with ASD say; “Many families who have children with autism are in a state of crisis due to the lack of adequate supports for their children across the domains of therapy, education and respite,” says McLaughlin. “
Autism Wellness Foundation mental health nurses agree to adopt the advisory panel recommendations; "As a society, we need to do better to ensure that families with autistic children are supported, both for the well-being of the children and also for the well-being of the whole family unit.”
Panel Recommendation:
That eligible families have access to an Urgent Response Pathway upon registration and confirmed diagnosis that may include, but not be limited to, the following services:
Intensive service coordination in collaboration with the Care Coordinator
Respite that is not available through other means
Access to a Registered Dietitian as recommended by a medical professional
OAP Core Services.
The world health organization states that Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Our qualified nurses assess autistic individuals for mental health symptoms and share assessment data with interdisciplinary Ontario Health Teams.
We are a team of qualified specialized mental health nurses who are on the ground collecting timely, accurate, evidence-based best practice advice and new data about mental health and how that relates specifically to autistic communities with the goal to achieve state of complete physical, mental and social well-being for autistic populations.
We are currently seeking Health Canada researchers to partner with our organization to analyze our data as it is crucial to the Canadian autistic population. The information we collect is invaluable to research on the world stage as it relates to autism.
We are also seeking business and funding partnerships within mental health research and innovation divisions, to provide the best means of using our data to help Canadians and position Canadian Mental Health Nursing Innovation as leaders in the fields of Autism services, onto the world stage.
We have developed a unique treatment pathway for Autistic Ontarian's and a this new model of treatment promotes mental health treatment equality for autistic populations globally.