Take the Road to Wellness

Updated: Oct 26, 2020


In this online course you will review recent studies about caregivers of autistic children and adults. You will learn about the experiences of others and we will discuss methods that you can use to limit the negative effects of caregiver burnout. You will also learn how parents and caregivers of autistic people are at a significantly higher risk for increased stress and how they generally experience more significant negative caregiving consequences than those with typically developing children. This online course will also teach you skills to better manage your own personal emotions and wellness. You will learn how you can become your own therapist. Over the next four weeks you will learn how to utilize mindfulness in your daily caregiving role. You will learn how to approach your own personal wellness with positivity and gain skills to limit or decrease exhaustion and burnout. Book Online 4 Weeks to Wellness Book Now

Dates: Nov 2, 2020 - Nov 23, 2020 Takes place every week, total of 4 sessions Mondays 10:30 am - 11:30 am See Full Schedule

Location & Contact Details Tel: 9053801892 Email: info@autismwellnessfoundation.org Online Course

Booking Policy Bookings close 2 days before the session starts. Cancellation Policy: To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance.

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