Virtual Course Terms and Conditions

*In order to continue to offer the Living Life to the Full in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, Autism Wellness Foundation and the Living Life to the Full team at the Canadian Mental Health Association has adapted materials to be delivered in a virtual classroom. Please carefully read this document; after reviewing each point, if you are comfortable agreeing to the Terms and Conditions as well as the Informed Consent, please check the boxes and click submit at the bottom.


  • You acknowledge Five Areas Ltd owns the intellectual property of Living Life to the Full.   

  • You agree not to copy, screenshot, modify or create derivative works from the course slides and content.

  • You recognize Living Life to the Full course is psychoeducation, not therapy, and are prepared to participate.*

  • You agree to attend the eight modules in the sequence they are delivered. For the purpose of group cohesion and confidentiality, the eight modules are closed groups.

  • You have the necessary technology to attend: stable internet connection, a computer with video camera, microphone and speakers or headset (preferred).

  • You agree to participate. There will be breakout activities providing opportunities to practice skills and share ideas with other participants. This does not require sharing personal information, unless you choose.**

  • You agree to join as an individual. The course cannot be displayed in a classroom setting.   

  • You agree to respect the confidentiality of others.  This includes making no recordings or screenshots during the course. 

  • You may want to inform your facilitator if another participant privately shares with you, that they plan to harm themselves or fear that they will harm someone else. 

  • You agree to share your name and email address with facilitators/CMHA. This allows tracking of  course completion and distribution of certificates. 

  • You agree to provide a phone number where your facilitators can reach you if you log off or are  disconnected from the session. This allows an instructor to provide technical or emotional support.

  • You agree that you will arrange to receive via post,  course booklets (or e-books) after completing the first session of the course.


* This course is designed to offer skill building and awareness to support your psychological health as well as the psychological health of other participants. Participants may relive personal or work experiences during program discussions, which can heighten emotions. This risk is mitigated by the certified course facilitators, who can provide appropriate referral or resource information, as well as techniques for stress management.  Nonetheless, if you have recently lost someone to suicide or otherwise feel that your current situation impact’s your readiness and ability to benefit from this type of training at this time, please consider postponing your participation to a more suitable time and/or speak to the facilitator in advance. 


**Participants will have the opportunity to have questions answered throughout the course, and the right to withdraw from the course if they feel that the timing or content is not appropriate for them.   


If you need more support:


***Video cameras are not mandatory but strongly encouraged in order for facilitators to stay connected with participants throughout the eight Living Life to the Full sessions. A space with some privacy and limited distractions is also important given course content.

This document contains important information about Zoom video chat software, used for the delivery of the Living Life to the Full sessions offered to you. 

About Zoom

  • Zoom is an online communication tool that allows face-to-face video, voice and/or text-based chat. 

  • Zoom calling is encrypted to protect sensitive information. For more information on how Zoom keeps information private, please visit and review this link: 

  • Zoom software is available free, on any computer. When you receive a Zoom invitation, you can login using your Internet browser, or you can download the free App onto your device. 


Privacy & Confidentiality 

  • As with any Internet-based communication software, Zoom is not 100% guaranteed to be secure and/or confidential. 

  • Think of ‘Zoom  as similar to a session that takes place in a coffee shop or a shared office space. There is a chance that others may overhear what you choose to share. Before you participate in the virtual Living Life to the Full  Zoom session, please take a moment to reflect on what you feel comfortable sharing. Please refrain from sharing highly sensitive information such as your contact information, Social Insurance Number, or passwords. 

  • You agree to the sharing of your personal information between Autism Wellness Foundation and Canadian Mental health Association for the purposes of administering this course.


​Note: if you have questions about using Zoom, do not feel comfortable using Zoom, or decide after signing this form that you are no longer comfortable using Zoom, please speak with your Living Life to the Full facilitators to discuss other options. 

Consent Form

If you consent to participate in please take the time to fill out the information below.
